
Thomas Wang was born in 1925, Beijing, China.  His conversion occurred in 1936 under the ministry of John Sung and he attended the Beijing Christian Tabernacle with Wang Ming-Dao as pastor.  He has served with the Chinese Christian Mission (1961), Chinese Coordination Center for World Evangelization (1976), the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (1987), the AD2000 and Beyond Movement (1989) and the Great Commission Center  International (1989).

With Dr. & Mrs. Billy Graham Rev Wang

In recent years, Thomas Wang initiated the America, Return To God campaign and edited a book of the same title, lovingly calling America to repent and return to faith in Jesus Christ.

With Mr & Mrs Wang Ming DaoWith Dick Eastman & George VerwerWith Bill Waldrop, Luis Palau, Ralph WinterWith Luis and John Kyle